Past Masters of Sangamon 801
Sangamon Lodge was founded in 1890 in Fisher, Illinois. For over one hundred years it was an institution in Fisher. In 2003 the lodge merged with Mahomet 220. Each year the lodge votes on the person to to be the head of the lodge for that next year, the title within the lodge for that individual is Worshipful Master, or abbreviated WM. The wording goes back to the 1600’s and would currently mean worthy head. Once someone has completed their year they are referred to as a Past Master. These are the individuals who held that office from 1890 to 2003. Please note we are missing a few pictures. If you are a family member or have a picture of an individual with a missing picture, please reach out to us and share it so we can update the image and show them their due respect. You can email As a note the RW in front of a name designates Right Worshipful meaning they held a Grand Lodge position and a MW designates Most Worshipful which means they were a Grand Master.